Lecturer in Mathematics , College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

Diploma in Education Science, Bachelor degree of Education in Science, Master of Science in Technomathematics and PhD in Mathematics


He is actively participating teaching various courses in mathematics including Engineering mathematics, Mathematics for Biological and Chemical Sciences, Foundations of Analysis and Functions of Single Variable.


Goodluck's area of research interest is Biomathematics and specialized on mathematical modelling of infectious and non-infectious diseases. His research work has covered mathematical epidemiology, ecology and eco-epidemiological  modelling. He has supervised 4 masters students to completion. He is currently supervising one PhD student. He has reviewed several manuscripts from both local and international journals. He has published research papers on mathematical epidemiology of Tuberculosis.


1.  Mlay, G. M., Luboobi, L. S., Kuznetsov, D., and Shahada, F. (2014). Dynamics of one-strain pulmonary tuberculosis model with vaccination and treatment. {\it Communications in Mathematical Biology} and Neuroscience, 2014.

2. Mlay, G. M., Luboobi, L. S., Kuznetsov, D., and Shahada, F. (2014). The Role of Re-Infection in Modeling the Dynamics of One-Strain Tuberculosis Involving Vaccination and Treatment. Asian Journal of Mathematics and Applications}, 2014.

3. Mlay, G. M., Luboobi, L. S., Kuznetsov, D., and Shahada, F. (2015). Optimal treatment and vaccination control strategies for the dynamics of pulmonary tuberculosis. International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics}. 2(3): 196-207.